Signs God Is Moving You in a New Direction

Signs God is moving you in a different direction

When God wants to move you in a new direction, He will use any means to let you know. God can use different signs to tell you to move on from someone. He can use different ways to move you from one job or place to another. Also, God can make things happen in unexpected ways to push you into something better or a bigger blessing. We cannot predict His ways for they are higher than our ways. But you can always check and perceive the signs showing that God is moving you in a new direction.

God Will Speak to You When He wants You to Move

When God wants you to move in a new direction, He will talk to you. God has a special way of talking to us. He passes His message to us in a still voice.

You must be spiritually alert to hear this voice. If you are feeling a strong urge to move, yet you are not sure if it is the will of God, be more attentive to His voice. Create quiet time in His presence and listen to Him. You will hear Him speak; He will tell you if it is time to move in a different direction.

New Opportunities Symbolize Signs of God Moving You in a New Direction

Doing the same thing every day may become boring, and it can also lead to stagnation. This is not the will of God for us. God wants us to prosper and succeed in our endeavors so that we may testify of His goodness. He doesn’t want us to stay in one level for far too long. So, He brings new opportunities our way to inspire us to take a step forward. These opportunities are His signals that we need to get moving. They are signs that God wants us to take a different path. When opportunities knock, do not ignore them. Embrace them and take the bold step of faith to move where God wants you to.

A Shift of Passion is One of the Signs That God Is Moving You in a New Direction

Who doesn’t love doing what they are good at? We experience joy in doing what we love most. But God may have a different plan for us. Peter was a great fisherman; He loved this job. However, God had a very different plan for him. After catching a great multitude of fish at the word of Jesus, He experienced a change in passion. When Jesus asked Peter to follow Him and be a fisher of men, He left everything and followed Him. Peter’s passion changed from a great fisherman to a fisher of men. He became a disciple of Jesus and passionately spread the gospel of God.

You too can experience a shift in passion and move in the direction of God. God may change your heart towards something you love doing and move you along a different path. Therefore, whenever you feel like you are losing interest in something, don’t fret. It is likely one of the signs God is moving you in a new direction.

Situations That Are Beyond Your Control May Happen to Push You to a New Direction

Romans 8:28 says that all things happen for our good. However, not all of us see anything good in a bad situation. We associate all challenges with the evil one; bad luck, misfortunes, predicaments, and sorrow. But do you know that God can use a negative experience to move you into something better? God can use a situation that is beyond your control to move you to a bigger blessing. Sometimes we are too blind to notice the signs of God moving us in a new direction. Other times, we are too adamant about the call to move. Yet, it is all for our own good.

When Ruth’s husband died, she didn’t know that God wanted her to move to a new direction. God was preparing her to bear a man who would become a descendant of Jesus. Hers was a story of loss, grief, lack, and sorrow. But when she moved in God’s direction, her story changed. You can read about this in the Book of Ruth 1, 2, and 3.

Find out where God wants you to go and move.  

You Face Rejection

Rejection does not always mean that the person rejecting you is evil. Sometimes, they are just helping bring the plan of God into fulfillment, even though they may not be aware of it. This may happen in our places of work, relationships, ministries, and other places. You must be rejected in places where God hasn’t planned for you so that He can make you the cornerstone at the right place, Matthew 21:42.

God’s plans may emotionally hurt us, but they cannot harm us. Instead, they work for our good and for the glory of God. Rejection is painful and hurtful, but if it is the plan of God, it cannot ruin or break us. Joseph had to be rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery for him to rise to a position of influence in a foreign land. Trust the process, embrace the change, and wait for Him to position you where He wants you to be. When people reject you, do not look down on yourself. Instead, be thankful that God loves you enough to move you to a better place.

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