This Is What You Should Do When You Feel Abandoned By God

This is what you should do when you feel abandoned by God

Inasmuch as we are created in God’s own image and likeness, we are vulnerable to negative emotions. Sorrows and difficulties can make us feel like God has abandoned us. However, when you find yourself in a situation where you feel as if God has forsaken you, know it is okay to feel so. Our Lord Jesus at some point felt as if God had abandoned Him. But He found solace in the assurance of God that He will never leave us. You too, need to come out of that point of desperation. The points below will help you know what you should do when you feel like God has abandoned you.

Prayer is the the ever-present arsenal that God has given us. It is the ever-present weapon that we can use to fight against negative emotions and thoughts. So, when you feel like God has abandoned you for some reason, get your prayer arsenal and unleash it against the feeling of abandonment and despair. When Jonah was swallowed by the fish, he had every reason to feel as if God had abandoned Him. He could have chosen to give up and wait for his death. However he knew the secret of of dealing with his challenges. He prayed to God, full of remorse for his mistakes. And as a result, God heard him and commanded the fish to vomit him on the shores of the lake.

You have the key in your hands; pray until God manifests Himself in your situation just like He did for Jonah. Don’t allow darkness to make you succumb to desperation. Wake up and pray as if your life depends on it. And God will eventually make it easy for you.

At the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus felt as if God had abandoned Him. He felt troubled and sorrowful. However, His spirit was strengthened when He prayed vehemently.

God is going to renew your strength too. You only need to take it to Him in prayer! And, never again will you feel as if God has abandoned you.

Have you looked around you and seen how much God has blessed you? If God had abandoned you, you would not be alive in the first place. Therefore, you need to thank Him for the breath of life. Moreover, those things that you think are small are enough to make you thank God. They should remind you that He has not forsaken you. When you pose and start looking at things from a different perspective, you will realize that you are blessed beyond measure. God loves a thankful heart and He urges us to thank Him in all circumstances.

Once you start thanking Him for who He is, you will draw Him even closer. You will start feeling His presence all over. You will no longer feel as if God has abandoned you.

Our God is pleased when we praise and worship Him. His presence comes down every time we worship Him in truth and spirit. When you find yourself feeling as if God has abandoned you, invite Him with praise and worship. In the still moment of deep worship, you will feel His presence engulfing you. The feeling of sorrow and sadness will be replaced by His presence. When Paul and Silas were locked in the prison, they did not bury their heads in sadness. They took it upon themselves to sing, worship and pray behind those heavy doors. Their songs of worship gave them freedom.

 God did it for His servants then, He is able to do it for you today. Just sing and worship out of that place of despair.

When you feel as if God has abandoned you, reading the word will go a long way in renewing your strength. The word of God will reaffirm and reassure you of His unending love and mercy upon your life. God, in His holy word promises never to leave nor forsake you.

Remind God about His promises. Have one on one talk with Him and remind Him what He said in His word.

 Once you do this, you will realize just how close God is and how much He cares for you.

Rest assured you will feel better when you adhere to the points above. You will no longer feel as if God has abandoned you. He says He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is not a man that He should lie to the whole world about His constant presence. God will be with you till the end of time, regardless of what comes your way. Submit to His will and everything will fall into place.

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